MalPaso modern dance

Havana, Cuba is known for their dance! Talk about an island of talent! Our group focus was driven by the Key West Literary Seminar, so Cuban culture and education is a part of the mission. In addition to our humanitarian objective, to bring medical supplies, our focus was to learn about Cuban culture, history and so Vik and Tony provided a front row seat to the day-to-day accomplishments and players in Cuba’s state of the arts.
MalPaso is a great dance company. On the day of our private rehearsal performance, two out of three of the founders of the company were there to greet us and to introduce the dancers following the performance.
Bravo! Nice show! Beautiful choreography, beautifully danced. The Malpaso dance company rehearses at the Sephardic Hebrew Center of Cuba on a minimal stage. The lighting was perfect the day they shared their new work. The company has a strong ballet background and the piece they performed was as metaphorical and performance as it was traditional. The company is on their way to the Joyce Theatre in NYC. Seeing this rehearsal was exciting because they are close to their performance date so they were great. Polished. Ready.
Small world’s come together as I learn that there is a connection between MalPaso and Zenon Dance company in Minneapolis, MN. They are on on their way to New York City to perform at the Joyce Theatre!