Pace of place & El Tocororo

There are more ways to get around Cuba then there are hours in a day.
I want to return to go at a different pace… the pace of the guy with the bicycle taxi. I could see riding around in any of these cars which by and large are taxi’s of some kind due to the lack of cars on the island. I want to explore at the pace of the three men, decked out in matching shirts, decide it is a great day to bring in the TV for repair or to save the set or to trade for something even better.
Dining out with a group of thirty people must be difficult to arrange on all kind of fronts. We were all in one of the large tourist buses as our group was 30 or so people. The driver of the bus had a great view out his window and on the way to El Tocororo for dinner I sat in the front seat. We enjoyed live music at each night’s meal. That doesn’t happen everywhere else on the planet! Melodia Azul is what the CD of music says – the band was great!